Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Talkin' bout my generation

You've gotta ask yourself.
Why is it that, in the age of communication, we're producing increasingly inarticulate youth?

The verbal trends of (some) young people are more than just mildly annoying. They hint at deeper issues:

1. We're not entirely sure what we really believe in. Not surprising. It's simply uncool to have, for example, deep religious beliefs. Because only the crazies do that.

2. We're afraid to give offense to someone who may believe differently. Welcome to the PC generation. Not "Personal Computer" but "Politically Correct." We'll argue over whether Brittany deserves to keep her kids. Whether that last Wes Anderson movie was good or not. But we're not gonna talk about the things that really matter, lest we alienate a friend or even a passerby. Play nice, kids.

3. We're less willing to act than ever before. Conformity is the order of the day, right from this generation's cradle. Raised in playpens in daycare centers. Two decades in schools, kennelled in rooms segregated by age. Then at last, free - to work in a small grey cubicle. Sure, this may be the "I" era: iPod, iPhone, iChat, I-Personalize everything I wear and consume (music, clothes, hair, shoes, bags, meals, etc) down to the nth detail. But the differences that matter, in beliefs and in actions, are strongly discouraged. So why bother?

Conviction, folks. In our business, it sells work. In life, it's what separates the legends from the onlookers. The successes from failures. And on occasion, it changes lives. Because convictions are what give life meaning. They make life worth living. And work worth selling.


Nien said...

cool. i like the 3rd point.

withans said...


Anonymous said...

I will respectfully disagree with your premise that we live in an "age of communication." We live in a type of great technological and scientific advancement, yes, but not of the liberty of the mind, of which communication is nothing but a tool of.

I also hold that the tremendous trend of non-thinking, mediocre, non-existence prevalent among people in general today, not only the "young," is a travesty in the making which I think is due, at least in part, to collectivist thought, which assumes that everyone is their brother's keeper, and that government intervention into all portions of your existence on this planet is not only a good, they claim, but a necessary absolute not to be questioned.

The big joke of course is that I already damned myself from the beginning ,according to their moral code, by using the word "I" at all. The use of politically correct verbiage is to negate thought, an evil device, which, in examining its purpose and leading to its logical end, is to not only enslave man, but to destroy him not for his faults but his virtues, and worse, with his own permission.