Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Only Yesterday

New resource for all you art directors and history-philes out there:
the Library of Congress now has a blog.

No Photoshopping. These are the real deal.
Hi-res, full-color photographs.
Taken in the 1940's.
Preserved in impeccable condition.

The RPG forums have already leapt on this as a character and location resource. Historical fiction novelists can't be far behind.


George Austin said...

I think that the forums at RPG.net go by "RPG.net".

story-games.com is just Story Games and enworld.org is just E.N. World, but -strangely and incongruously- forum.rpg.net goes by RPGnet or RPG dot Net.

Awesome post, by the way!

withans said...

Sorry, we adkids don't differentiate. Maybe that's our bad.

George Austin said...
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George Austin said...
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George Austin said...

So I finally stopped being a doof and put "The RPG Forums" into google. I found
and http://rpgforumsonline.com
Neither of which are nearly as popular as RPG.net (at best they get maybe 1/30th the traffic), but they use the name you used for RPG.net in your post.

I decided to delete the other two comments I made defending my original call for accuracy in the face dismissal. Adkids don't differentiate brands from each other? Color me unconvinced. Crappy research shows that despite Gleemax's launch (and click-through from Gleemax owners Wizards of the Coast website) RPGnet is the market leader in Role Playing Game fan sites.

Anonymous said...

You're right, the photos are amazingly detailed.